During this masterclass learn....

  • How to find your north node
  • How to find your south node
  • What both of these mean
  • How important the nodal axis is to understanding your SOUL’S EVOLUTIONARY JOURNEY in this life time 

and YES! 


We are going into ALL the signs AND all the houses. Don’t know what a house is? Well you’re about to learn! 

This is one of the most important astro hacks I’ve done (as astro hack is my cute term for hacking your birth chart, which we will be doing. We focus on one area in the chart and go deep). 

 No I can’t tell you everything I will cover beyond what I just told you above :) I channel the material and we always get deep!

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ASTROHACK: Progressed Moon

Special one-time offer, only $57! (Originally $77!)
Learn How to Track Your Progressed Moon

By the end of this 1 hour astro hack video you'll know what Progressed Moon phase you are in, for how much longer, and what that means for your SOUL's JOURNEY.

This is for you if you're:

Confused about why you're feeling what you're feeling
Intrigued with astrology and want to find out more about your current soul evolvement!
Obsessed with learning more about the cosmic energy and want to understand your soul blueprint!

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North Node Masterclass - Instant Access - Summer Flash Sale$97

  • Total payment
  • 1xNorth Node Masterclass - Instant Access - Summer Flash Sale$97

All prices in USD
